International Journal of Data Informatics and Intelligent Computing (IJDIIC) ISSN: 2583-6250 is an international open access, scholarly peer-reviewed journal publishing high quality articles in all areas of data informatics and intelligent computing, especially current research, new concepts, innovative methods, and approaches for early detection and reporting new methods on basic and advanced aspects of data informatics and intelligent computing. The field encompasses the larger areas of system knowledge, intelligence, artificial intelligence, data analytics, machine learning, pattern recognition, natural language understanding, and big data manipulation. It also tackles related new scientific challenges, ranging from data acquisition, creation, storage, retrieval, sharing, analysis, security, integration, distribution, optimization, and visualization to integrative analysis across heterogeneous and interdependent complex resources for better decision-making, collaboration, and, ultimately, value creation.

International Journal of Data Informatics and Intelligent Computing (IJDIIC) brings together young scholars, researchers, industry professionals, and potential users of Data Informatics and Intelligent Computing, to develop the field, discuss new trends and opportunities, exchange ideas and practices, and promote transdisciplinary and cross-domain collaborations. To Publish original theoretical and experimental research articles in the field of Data Informatics and Intelligent Computing.

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Chief Editors: Dr. Rajesh Natarajan | Dr. Shashi Kant Gupta View Editorial Board