Empowering Cyber-Physical Systems through AI-driven Fusion for Enhanced Health Assessment


  • Adnene Arbi Applied Mathematics and vice-director at the National School of Advanced Sciences and Technologies (ENSTAB), University of Carthage, Tunisia https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2834-0248
  • Mohammad Israr Maryam Abacha American University of Nigeria, Hotoro GRA, Kano State, Federal Republic of Nigeria https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6770-9570




Cyber-physical systems (CPS) for improved health assessment currently face multiple challenges with managing and treating health issues, and there is an uncontrollable amount of risk, as well as the requirement for effective artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms that can manage complex and dynamic health data. In this paper, we provide Hybrid Support Vector Machines fine-tuned Spatial Transformer Networks (HSVM+FSTN) for the prediction of enhanced health assessment. 299 cardiac failure patients were gathered in the Kaggle source, and the data was pre-processed using Z-score normalization. Linear discriminant analysis was employed for feature extraction. Classification was provided for both the machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL) techniques. The performance analysis was carried out on the Python platform. The proposed HSVM+FSTN performance was more significant when compared to existing techniques in terms of sensitivity (95.4%), accuracy (97.2%), specificity (94.4%), and precision (96.7%).


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How to Cite

Adnene Arbi, & Mohammad Israr. (2024). Empowering Cyber-Physical Systems through AI-driven Fusion for Enhanced Health Assessment. International Journal of Data Informatics and Intelligent Computing, 3(3), 16–23. https://doi.org/10.59461/ijdiic.v3i3.127



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